
What is mediation?

 Mediation is an informal, problem-solving meeting where the parties to a conflict meet face-to-face with a trained, neutral mediator.  Any fight, dispute, or conflict can be solved my mediation.  All New Justice Services mediators have been trained by a certified New York State trainer.

The mediator facilitates a conversation between the parties about whatever issues the parties would like to discuss.  Each person has an opportunity to explain his/her side of the conflict, without interruption.  Both sides discuss areas of disagreement and look into possible solutions.  With the help of the mediator, they then decide which solutions best meet their needs. 

 The parties have complete control over what to put in the agreement that they reach, if they reach an agreement.  When both sides agree to a solution, the mediator drafts an agreement, which the parties may sign.  Each person receives a copy of the agreement.  

Everything said at mediation is completely confidential.  Neither party may use what the other party says in court, and the mediator cannot be required to testify about the parties' communications during the mediation process.  Mediation is completely voluntary for all parties.  We believe that agreements reached through mediation are more successful and longer-lasting than orders handed down by a judge or an administrative hearing officer because the parties make their own agreements, on their own terms.  

 We abide by the New York State Standards of Conduct for Community Dispute Resolution Center Mediators  (click to download).  

Why use mediation?

  •  Custody/visitation, family, and community mediation appointments are offered by New Justice Services at no cost
  • Mediation sessions are informal and scheduled at the convenience of the parties and the mediator
  • Participation is completely voluntary
  • Everything said is confidential
  • An Attorney is not required
  • Agreements can be legally enforceable


How do I start?

Parties may contact us directly or be referred by courts, attorneys, police, and other agencies.  Please call us and explain the problem and provide contact information for the other parties involved.  New Justice Services will contact the other parties and explain the mediation process.  If the parties agree to participate in mediation, New Justice Services will schedule an appointment and notify the parties.  These appointments can generally be scheduled at a convenient time for you.


New Justice Services, Inc. offers the following types of mediation to anyone living in Onondaga, Oswego, or Cortland Counties: 

Custody/Visitation Mediation

Community Mediation

Family Mediation

Specialized Services
